Sustainability - This section of our website introduces what Tsurumi is doing through its business activities to help shape a sustainable world.

Message from Top Management

Being water- and people-friendly

Tsurumi Manufacturing has helped to support the global environment and society for 100 years in the fields of irrigation, construction, industry, flood control, and water supply and sewage guided by our philosophy of being water- and people-friendly. In recent years, the global environment has changed dramatically, and as the abnormal has become the new normal, the burden of responsibility on corporations has grown significantly. Given this state of affairs, we believe that our mission is to continue to create prosperity and security through technological creativity and innovation in collaboration with all people.
As the first step toward the next 100 years, we have formulated “Tsurumi Vision 2030,” a long-term management plan covering the six-year period from fiscal 2024 to 2029. In Tsurumi Vision 2030, we have identified six key materialities: contributing to decarbonization, enhancing the aquatic environment, promoting resource recycling, ensuring safe and secure living, enhancing the growth and job satisfaction of our employees—the source of Tsurumi’s value—and the strengthening our governance system—the very foundation of our corporate management. Transformation 2027, our new three-year medium-term management plan for fiscal years 2024 through 2026, covers the first half of the six-year period leading up to 2030. This plan calls for the ongoing promotion of ESG management, and to make our initiatives more effective, we have set key performance indicators (KPIs) for each category.
Our recent ESG initiatives include reducing greenhouse gas emissions by replacing conventional gasoline-powered company vehicles with electric and hybrid ones, and installing solar power generation facilities. We are also promoting diversity by creating growth opportunities through an internal recruiting system, encouraging women to take active roles within the Company, and promoting childcare leave for male employees.
By accelerating these initiatives, we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of the global environment and society while striving for the sustainable growth and maximization of Tsurumi Manufacturing’s corporate value.

President Osamu Tsujimoto