Corporate compliance and governance at Tsurumi

Compliance Activities

We have formalized the below Code of Conduct for all officers and employees of the Tsurumi Group both in Japan and abroad from the perspectives of compliance and social ethics.

Basic attitude toward business activities

  • Keep all business activities in line with our corporate philosophy and observe all related laws and regulations, rules of hosting local communities, internal rules and this Code of Conduct.
  • Use any personal information obtained during the course of business for business purposes only and properly manage said information so that it is not leaked or privacy is not otherwise infringed upon.
  • Show respect for basic human rights and do not commit any acts that are discriminatory, hurt anyone's dignity or constitute any form of harassment. Also, when recruiting employees, observe all local laws and regulations.
  • Keep relationships and dealings with all stakeholders fair.
  • Do not commit any acts that might tarnish the Group's trust or reputation or that are self-serving or to the benefit of third parties but not in the interest of the Company.
  • Promptly report anyone who violates or might violate this Code of Conduct.
Tsurumi Group Code of Conduct

System of Corporate Governance

We have established the below Basic Policy on Corporate Governance. It requires us to always be conscious of the position of our shareholders and other stakeholders, and to practice corporate governance so that our decision-making processes are transparent, structured and decisive, and constructively promote sustainable growth and improve our corporate value over the mid to long-term.

Basic Policy on Corporate Governance

  1. Ensure the rights and equality of shareholders.
  2. Collaborate appropriately with stakeholders other than shareholders.
  3. Disclose information properly and ensure transparency.
  4. Hold the Board of Directors accountable.
  5. Dialog with shareholders.
Corporate Governance (Japanese Website)

Establishment of Consultation Desk

We have established internal consultation desks, in Japan and overseas, for employees to directly seek consultation, thereby allowing early detection of violations of laws and internal rules, as well as other problematic events. This enables us to handle issues autonomously. Our employees are thoroughly informed about the consultation desk and efforts are being made for its proper operation.
The consultation desk accepts a broad range of topics and the confidentiality of the consultation is ensured so that our employees can use it feeling safe.

Domestic Consultation Desk

We have established a compliance consultation desk and internal harassment consultation desk to accept consultations on compliance and harassment, respectively.
Access to each consultation desk is posted on the company portal site and the desks are promoted on posters, so employees know they exist.
In addition to the internal desk, where employees can consult with certified harassment counselors (type II), an external desk with outside lawyers independent of management has also been set up. Consulters can freely choose which desk to consult with. All cases accepted will be reported to the Compliance Management Committee.
The Compliance Management Committee, on the premise of protecting confidentiality and preventing detrimental treatment of the consulter, appoints a person in charge of investigation as necessary, and after conducting a factual investigation, deliberates countermeasures and disciplinary measures.
In addition to the promise of the confidentiality of the consultation content, prohibition of detrimental treatment of the consulter due to the fact that he/she has consulted with the desk is also stipulated in our regulations to protect the consulter.

Overseas Consultation Desk

At our seven major overseas subsidiaries in Asia and North America, we have established consultation desks for employees to directly consult regarding compliance and harassment issues.
The consultation desk is thoroughly known within the company.
Consultations are handled by each external desk (law or consulting firm), which is independent of management, in the language of the country where our local affiliate is located, to protect confidentiality and prevent detrimental treatment of consulters.
As we expand our business on a global scale, we have a system in place where cases received at the consultation desks are reported to the Company that bears head office functions as necessary, thereby solidifying governance of the Group.

*Major overseas subsidiaries